APRIL 1996 VOL 24 #5
ENGR DEPT., TRENTON STATE COLLEGE, TRENTON, NJ 08650-4700 (W 609-490-2817 OR H 443- 3184, FAX 609-443-1713, AND EMAIL Allen Katz, K2UYH
HALSKESTR.35, D-12167 BERLIN, (49-30-7955467), E-Mail: Klaus DL4EBY/DK0TU
*** NA EME BBS: 704-284-4854 ***
14.345 1600 Z SAT/SUN;
EUR NET: JOE, K1RQG (207-469-3492).
3845 CAPITOL DRIVE, FT. COLLINS, CO 80526, (970) 226-0669)
Faraday was a major problem on 70 cm during the 2nd contest weekend. But high activity compensated for the propagation difficulties and provided a very enjoyable weekend for most stations. Among the high 70 cm scores are NC1I with 72 x 37, K1FO 71 x 36, DL9KR 65 x ?, N4GJV 59 x 34 and UR5LX 42 x 24. The microwave bands also saw enhanced activity, with reports of record QSO counts in some cases.
Last month we announced that DL8YH would be activating Tunisia from 2 to 10 July 10 using 200 w into a single 38 el M2 yagi. At that time we reported he would be using a 3V8BB PA. There is a correction. The "3V8BB" is not his final, but is to be the callsign. [Is there any chance of getting some higher power, or a bigger antenna, so that more people have a chance of QSOing him?]
- 7M2PDT:
- Shukou reports for the 2nd SW of March -- I worked KD4LT for initial #16, JA5OVU, K1FO #17, JA4BLC, NC1I #18, JA2KRW, JL1ZCG #19, SM4IVE #20, PA3CSG #21 and DL9KR. Heard were JR9NWC, F6CGJ and others. My contest score is 10x7. I received many echoes during the contest, but still think my system is not working that well, so I plan to replace my 6 x 25 el NAGARA yagis with 8 x FO 25 el yagis at the end of April.
- AA6WI:
- Hoppy sends the following report on his 23 cm EME activity in March -- On 23 March, Sun noise, with my 3.7 m dish, was 10.6 dB for an SF of 71. On 24 March, I worked KB2AH - el 5 degs, W2UHI, IK3COJ, G4DZU, HB9BBD, LA8LF and DJ9YW. I was also on during the JA window, but heard no stations. Rack cleanup activities on 22 March resulted in several HVPS and bias supply problems which kept me QRT on 23 March. Thus, another 23 cm axiom is learned: Appearance is inversely proportional to performance! [... or if it ain't broke, don't fix it!] On 29 March I worked KB2AH and G4DZU, and on 30 March heard EA6/DF5JJ calling me but couldn't get his call at the time due to ground noise, and QSO'd LA8LF and W2UHI. Also heard was K2UYH working W2UHI on SSB.
- DD1XF:
- Frank has been busy on 1296 during 1st 3 months of '96. He QSO'd LA8LF, ZS6AXT, SM2CEW for an initial #, OK1CA #, F1ANH, JA4BLC #, SM3AKW, HB9SV, VE1ALQ #, KD5RO #, DL0SHF, OZ4MM, F5PL, OE9XXI, F6CGJ, OH2AXH, HB9BHU, F5PAU #, F5AQC #, HB9BBD, N2IQU, LX1DB, K2UYH, I2COR # and EA6/DF5JJ. He notes that conditions during the 2nd March SW seemed very bad on 23 cm, but that activity was good on the contest weekend.
- Chris (DF9CY) reports -- On Friday afternoon, I went out to DL0SHF to install the 10 GHz transverter box at the feed point. Per, DK7LJ and I did so, only to discover, that the system was "dead". We found the transmitter permanently on, but with the TWTA not working. After further investigation, we found several burnt parts in the control section. As we were not sure we could repair this problem in time for our skeds, we decided to cancel them. We eventually discovered that the TWTA was OK. A voltage regulator blew, and this took out the control system and the receive converter. Repairs will be made soon. Our apologies to those who did not receive our cancellation message via the Internet. I will send via the Moon-net as to when we plan 10 GHz activity again.
- DL9KR:
- Jan's operating time during the DUBUS Contest was limited to the JA and NA windows, but he still managed to make 65 QSOs and add 2 initials with OZ4MM #639 and WB6IMC #638. Back at the end of '95, he added initials with VK1DO/VI100GM on CW and SSB #634 and WI7Z #635, and on 27 Jan DL8YHR #636, 3 Feb 7M2PDT #637, and on 4 Feb DL4KG #638. Jan notes that he is now totally devoted to EME, as his 160 m efforts have been frustrated by a newly built 380 KV high voltage line about 1/2 mile from his home; but that other commitments keep encroaching on his time. He also corrects a past comment about his experimenting with vert pol. These experiments have been on 20 m not 70 cm! Jan does ask about W6ABN. [Does anyone one know how Stan is doing?]
- EA2LU:
- Jorge writes -- After a heavy wind storm (120/140 kph) last Feb, (my antenna fortunately survived with little damage), I resolved to dismantle it as soon as possible. The cement garden on the roof of my building, with lots of neighbors around is not a good place for this big tree... For the last operation from my home QTH, before I take down the array, I was QRV during DUBUS- REF contest. Condx seemed poor with lot of Faraday, but I enjoyed testing a MFJ-784B DSP audio filter. I was very impressed by its low noise and lack of ringing effects. In comparison with my old and good audio filter, with very small signals in the noise, both heard them, but the MFJ had much better quality. My conclusion is that the MFJ is not miraculous, but has superb low noise, and provides comfortable long time operation. I ended the contest with 26 QSOs. Initials were OZ4MM, VK5MC and NC1I for #119. I will now be QRT for some time ... until I find a good place to put up array again. Many thanks to all stations QSO'd.
- Jose' was QRV for the 2nd leg of the DUBUS-REF contest on 432 with 900 w, but did not have great success due to bad condx. The only stations that answered his CQs were EA2LU and EA3UM. Stations worked were OZ4MM for initial #68 and DXCC #26, PA3CSG, SM2CEW, NC1I, KD4LT, K1FO, N4GJV, SM4IVE, SM3AKW #69, EA2LU, EA3UM, UR5LX, G3SEK, K2UYH, DL9KR and F6CGJ.
- G4DZU:
- Doug reports on his 1296 activity -- During the REF/DUBUS contest, I didn't have too much luck, but was running only 200 w. I QSO'd on 2 March OZ4MM and OE9XXI, on 3 March LX1DB for initial #12, and on 24 March (70 cm part of the contest) KB2AH, W2UHI, KB2AH on SSB and AA6WI - all on random. Conditions during the final March SW did not appear as good, and activity was almost non-existent the 2nd night, but it was good practice tweaking the filters to get maximum signal from my echoes... And I did have a wonderful weekend, which produced my highest QSO rate yet. QSO'd on 29 March were KB2AH, VE1ALQ and AA6WI, on 30 March K2UYH twice - on random and sked, KB2AH on SSB, W2UHI and EA6/DF5JJ for initial #15. Also heard were LA8LF and EA6/DF5JJ whist beaming through a tree. Unfortunately he'd gone QRT when the moon was in the clear.
- G4RGK:
- Dave writes -- Due to bad wx preceding the contest, I didn't get my rotator fixed, and spent the weekend rotating the antenna by hand - good exercise. The antenna is 120' away from my shack, and needs moving every 10 minutes. I also lost quite a few hours due to family commitments. Conditions were quite good, but Faraday would not co-operate most of the time. I worked DL9KR, DK3WG, PA3CSG, SM2CEW, OZ4MM, NC1I, K1FO, N4GJV, SM3AKW, F6CGJ, K5JL, UR5LX, KD4LT, K5AZU, K0RZ, DF3RU, ON4KNG, W7FN, SM4IVE, JL1ZCG, EA2LU, LX1DB, K2UYH, KB8ZW, DL6WU and DL9NDD for a total of 26 QSOs and 52,000 points. All QSOs were on random. CWNR were DJ6MB, HA1YA, I2COR, UT5DL and 9M2BV. Heard were ON5OF, VK5MC, YO2IS, ZS6AXT, F2TU, EA3DXU, W9QXP, KA0RYT, UT5EC, JA2KRW, W1ZX, YL3AG?, G3SEK and G4FUF.
- Stu has found conditions to be quite good, so far this year. He worked on 2 March, on 23 cm, F5PL, HB9BHU, F6CGJ, OH2AXH, F2TU, ZS6AXT, IK3COJ, SM3AKW, OZ4MM, HB9BBD, F5AQC, AA4TJ, K5JL, OE9ERC and N2IQU, and on 23 March, on 13 cm, OE9XXI, F1ANH, OH2AXH, HB9SV, OE9ERC and W4HHK. Stu also copied JA4BLC and JH3EAO on 2424.110. He plans to start construction of a 2.7 m dish for use on 10 GHz, and notes the challenge of maintaining adequate precision for a successful result. Stu is now up to: on 70 cm #178 initial and 33 DXCC, on 23 cm #97 initial and 23 DXCC, and on 13 cm #16 initial and 13 DXCC.
- Alex reports -- The following stations were contacted on 432 during the Eur/REF contest on 23-24 March: OZ4MM (549/449) for initial #57, N4GJV (559/449), DL9KR (569/549), NC1I (559/549), K1FO (559/439) and UR5LX (O/O). I'm somewhat frustrated by my poor results, only 6 QSO, despite many others heard; including JL1ZCG, I2COR, EA2LU, IW5AVM, F6CGJ, G3SEK, SM4IVE, F2TU and DL9NDD. Condx were not as good as I hoped, due most likely to Faraday rotation. There was an error in my EME STANDINGS listed in the NL. I was shown in the 23 cm list, instead of the 70 cm list. My standing are now initial #54, DXCC 21 and WAS 11 on 432. Please make this mistake known, as my call is now showing up for 1296 skeds, and I am not QRV for this band.
- Yoshiro sends his results for the 2nd part of the EURO/DUBUS EME contest -- On 432, I worked W9QXP, KA0RYT for initial #229, 7M2PDT, SM3AKW, JL1ZCG, DK3WG, K1FO, JA5OVU, N4GJV, K5AZU - nice to work again after 10 years, K2UYH, NC1I, W7HAH, UR5LX, 9M2BV, SM4IVE, PA3CSG and DL8OBU. Propagation on 432 was complex. I operated most of the QSOs with pol TX-V/RX-H. On 2304/2424, I worked WB5LUA (449/449), W4HHK (O/O), WB5LUA on SSB (44/33), OE9ERC (569/579), OE9ERC on SSB (56/57), OE9XXI (559/569), JH3EAO (M/449), OE9ERC (559/559) and OZ4MM (549/449). Heard on 2304 were OH2AXH (559), F1ANH (339), HB9SV (439), OK1KIR (339) and GW3XYW (339). I am sorry to hear of the damage to EA6/DF5JJ's dish, and hope he quickly recovers. [Peter was back in operation with an FB signal for the post contest weekend!]
JH3EAO:- Takao e-mails -- I was QRV during REF/DUBUS contest after 3 months absence. On 1296, on 2/3 Mar, I worked F2TU (O/O), OE9XXI (569/549), JA4BLC (449/439) and JH5LUZ (439/O) for initial #56. After the 1st contest weekend, I set up on 13 cm with an W2IMU horn and a new LNA, and worked on 2304/2424, on 23/24 Mar, OE9ERC (559/449), OE9XXI (559/559), JA4BLC (449/M) and WB5LUA (449/339). Heard were OK1KIR (439), GW3XYW (439), OH2AXH (559), OZ4MM (549) and F2TU (439). I received phone calls from Stuart, GW3XYW and Vlada, OK1KIR. They reported hearing JA4BLC's and my 2424 MHz signals off the moon. Unfortunately we could not com plete a QSO. JA 13 cm stations obviously are handicapped by the separate TX/RX frequencies. We can't expect random QSO's, and are more likely to encounter QRM problems because we are not on 2304 MHz. As far as I know, GW3XYW, OE9ERC, OE9XXI, OK1KIR, OZ4MM, W4HHK, WB5LUA and some Italian stations have 2424 MHz receivers. I hope more 13 cm stations add the capability to watch 2424 MHz. The same feed horn and LNA used for 2304, can generally be used for 2424. My new 13 cm LNA using an NE42484 HEMT, has improved my reception capability. The NF is better than 0.5 dB, and the CS/G noise ratio with my dish is 5 dB. This device has a good noise- match characteristic for coaxial cavities.
- K1FO:
- Steve found good activity during the Eur EME contest weekend. However daytime conditions were really strange. The big guns DL9KR, SM4IVE, NC1I, etc. were just as strong as ever. But, the smaller stations seemed way down in strength, often with little difference in strength when pol was rotated. Frank, NC1I also noted the same effect on the weaker signals. After the Sun set things returned to normal. Stations worked in the contest were on 23 March: JA5OVU, KA0RYT, W8MQW, KD4LT, JL1ZCG, K9BCT, JR9NWC, K5AZU, 7M2PDT (O/O) #488, W9QXP, WB0GGM, JH4JLV, W7HAH, W0KJY, W2CRS, ZS6AXT, SM2CEW, F2TU, YO2IS, DL6NAA, S57QF(O/O) #489, IK6EIW, G4RGK, DK3WG, EA2LU, EA3DXU, I5TDJ, I2COR, GM3JFG, UT5EC, ON4KNG, G0BPU, DL6WU, UT5DL, SM4IVE, OZ4MM (559/569) #490, DL8OBU, VE6TA, K2UYH, F6CGJ, DL9KR, K0RZ, SM3AKW, N4GJV, DJ6MB and ON5OF, and on 24 March NC1I, JA2KRW, KB8ZW, JA4BLC, VK5MC, JS3SIM, WI7P, UA6LGH, DK3FB, 9A2AE (439/439) #491 and EME DXCC #75, IK5WJD, UR5LX, K5JL, LX1DB, DK8VS, CT1DMK (M/M) #492, DF3RU, DL9NDD, HA1YA, W7FN, DL3YEL, WI7Z, WA7TZY, VE6JW and W9QXP (dup), giving him a contest total of 71 x 36. The daytime hours of the contest actually made for an enjoyable contest without the disruptions of the more typical overnight contest hours. Other stations worked during March were on 29 Mar DL8OBU, W9QXP and VE6TA, on 30 Mar N9AB, W8MQW, HB9SV, OM1TF (439/559) #493, UA6LGH and K5JL, on 31 Mar KA0RYT and DL8OBU, and on 04 April W6JKV (O/O) #494. Jimmy, W6JKV is running (4) M2 13 WL Yagis and 1000 w from a LA-70B. Steve is looking for information on S57QF and OM1TF. Steve thought that S57QF was S57QM, but he was distinctly corrected on the call. Steve also 1st thought that OM1TF was OM1TL, but when he sent OM1TL no reply was hear until he corrected the call to OM1TF. Steve is looking for a sked with YL3AG. He also needs grid square and station info on DK8LV, DJ2PA, OZ4MM, VI100GM, S57QF and OM1TF. Worked back on 16 Mar was WB6IMC with his LA-70B on the air. Jon now has a very good 4 yagi signal with his high power. Steve is still in need of QSL cards from FO4NK and OY/G4DHF. If anyone can help please let him know. Steve has received several inquires about Rear-Mount, polarity rotatable arrays. Steve has an in depth write up on rear-mount arrays in the ARRL Antenna Compendium, Volume 3. Other stations that have built rear-mount arrays include: G3SEK, NC1I, WA4OFS, KB4WM, K5GW, KL7WE, KB8ZW, WA9FWD and W0KJY. He also points out that don't think that you need a mega-array like NC1I and K5GW have. Operators using fixed polarity yagis won't believe how well an array of 16 small rotatable Yagis (2.5-3.5 wv) work! Steve's 70 cm EME totals are: #494 initial, 49 states and 75 DXCC.
- K9BCT:
- Randy sends in the following comments on "Maximizing your EME Small Station Count" -- Depending upon the band used, a small station is open to definition. On 2 m and 70 cm, anything smaller than 4 long yagi's and a KW at the antenna is probably considered marginal. On 23 cm any yagi station or a dish less than a 4 m dia can properly be considered "small". If you've never heard your own echoes or hear them less than 10% of the time, you're probably running a "small" station. Some of us run small stations by choice, others by circumstance. Whatever the case, one thing we "Small Stations" all have in common is that we seldom hear a complete sequences from another station. Typically we hear bits and pieces that occasionally comes together as both calls. If not, we hopefully hear the double K which signifies it's our turn. In the event of a schedule, it's not a major problem if we miss the K's, as we know that at the end of 2 or 2 1/2 minutes, it's our turn to TX. In a contest or during random operation, it's entirely a different situation. Does the sudden loss of a signal 1 minute and 30 seconds into a sequence mean that Faraday has taken over or has the other station turned it back to us unheard? Should we wait another minute, or should we risk a double during the latter part of the sequence? All small stations face these questions during every activity cycle. "Big Stations"; just because you're hearing your own echoes S-5, don't assume we are and stop your sequence early. Whether you choose the conven tional sequence of 2 or 2 1/2 minutes or a shorter 1 minute for a contest, stick with it. If possible, synchronize your clocks and start the sequence, whatever it is, on the minute or half minute. I typically listen to a station several times before answering him to establish how long the sequence is and when it starts. In this way, if (when!) I lose him, I'll know when to start my transmit sequence. Doing otherwise invariably results in confusion on both ends and a overall reduction in stations worked. Do yourself and the "Small Stations" a favor, whether calling a CQ or returning a call, start on the minute and stick with a regular sequence. Randy run's on 432 8 x 18 el yagis and 700 w, and on 1296 a 3.8 m dish with 150 w.
- Ron (EN34dw) reports working on 24 Feb K1FO, JA5OVU and JA2KRW, on 25 Feb JA5OVU and JA2KRW again, on 2 March K1FO, WA7BBM, N4PZ and G3SEK, 3 March PA3CSG - good signal on sked, W7CI, WA4NJP, K5AZU and WA7BBM, and on 9 March N4PZ - no other activity was heard. During the 70 cm part of the contest, he added 10 QSOs, including initials with OZ4MM, JA4BLC and UR5LX. This brings Ron up to initial #27. He is particularly interested in QSOs with the Southern Hemisphere. He plans to put up a 2nd array which is vert pol this spring, and then switch between the horz/vert antennas. Ron also reports that he has opportunities to put NEB on 432 EME, and asks if there interest in such a dxpedi tion? [Write or call Ron at 612-472-5201, if you would like to see NEB on 70 cm soon.]
- KD4LT:
- Scott did find some time to operate the 2nd March SW/Eur EME Contest. This provided the most activity he has observed on any weekend since the ARRL contest. Scott worked 31 x 22 for a total of 682 points. Stations worked include 7M2PDT for an initial #, W7HAH, KA0RYT, K1FO, NC1I, I2COR, UR5LX, I5TDJ, EA3DXU, S57QM, SM2CEW, ZS6AXT, DF3RU, OZ4MM #, K5JL, EA2DXU, UT5DL, K2UYH, DK3WG, F6CGJ, UT5EC, G4RGK, N4GJV, ON5OF, DL8OBU, VE6TA, G3HUL, SM4IVE on SSB, K5AZU, F2TU and LX1DB. Two new initials for the weekend. Worked prior to the SW was K5AZU for an initial and a new state. Scotts totals are now #274 initial, 44 DXCC and 33 WAS on EME.
- N4GJV:
- Ron reports that his EME activity has continued to be extremely limited due to job demands. His initial QSO's this winter were on 31 Dec, KB6IGC #, on 7 Jan JS3SIM #, and on 3 Feb WI7Z #. Ron used some of his vacation time to be QRV during the DUBUS/REF contest, in hopes of catching some of the new stations that he had missed during the winter. On 23 March, Ron QSO'd JA5OVU, JR9NWC, K9BCT, JL1ZCG, JH4JLV, K5AZU, W8MQW, KA0RYT, I2COR, DK3WG, OZ4MM #, ZS6AXT, DF3RU, F2TU, ON4KNG, DL6NAA, IW5AVM, YO2IS, EA2LU, G4RGK, ON5OF, EA3DXU, G3HUL, IK5WJD, SM3AKW, UT5DL, K5JL, UR5LX, DL9KR, SM2CEW, W9QXP, DL8OBU, NC1I, DL9NDD - FB sig with only 200 w, F6CGJ, KD4LT, K2UYH, K0RZ, W7FN, VE6TA, WB6IMC # and K1FO. Ron was very surprised to hear such strong signals from the 2 new calls, OZ4MM and WB6IMC! OE3JCP called at 1703, but very poor pol alignment caused the signal to be very weak, and Ron failed to identify the caller in time to salvage a QSO. On 24 March he reports that very warm WX brought enhanced tropo condx, and with it, the curse of radar QRM. He was, however, able to add KB8ZW, JA2KRW, W7HAH, JA4BLC, 9A2AE #, UT5EC, G3SEK, SM4IVE, DK3FB and DK8VS. Unfavorable pol alignment, combined with the radar QRM, made reception particularly difficult during QSO's with UA6LGH, GM3JFG, YL3AG #, CT1DMK #, IK0EQJ and DL3YEL. Ron would like to especially thank these enthusiasts for their extreme patience, as he struggled to copy their calls and/or signal reports, under the prevailing conditions. Got-a-ways included W6JKV, 7M2PDT, WA7TZY, S57Q, EA3UM, WI7Z, DL6WU, IK6EIW, UT1PA, and others. Ron's score in the test was 59 X 34 for 200,600 points. On 31 March, Ron failed to QSO W6JKV during a net ar ranged sked, but pol was more favorable later, and he was able to tail-end W7FN's sked to contact W6JKV for initial #517. Ron would like a sked with 7M2PDT, preferably during the 2200 Friday, thru 0400 Saturday time frame, as this period is when Ron is most likely to be able to be QRV.
- N4MW:
- Dave is now set up for 10 GHZ and copied WA7CJO and several others on 10 GHz during the past contest weekend. WA7CJO moved his S meter one S unit, and was easy copy. WB5LUA was the only other call received. One unidentified station was heard calling CQ for a long time. Dave is receiving 14 dB of sun noise and 0.8 dB of moon noise, using an 8' offset Ku band VSAT dish, fed with the metalized plastic 17 dBi horn that comes with a M/A gunnplexer. His LNA is an Avantek surplus amplifier, maybe 2 dB NF. The LNA output is fed to the shack through 1/2" superflex to a WJ M18C mixer. The LO is a Frequency West brick at 10845.1 MHz. The 477 MHz IF is post-amplified and split. Half goes to the receiver, an ICOM R7100, and the other half goes to a Microwave Module R432/435VD receiving converter. The converter has been retuned for peak output at 30 MHz, to drive a General Radio Type 1216-A unit I-F amplifier for noise measurements. The dish can be steered from inside the shack between 90 and 190 degs in az and 25 to 70 degs in el, with trees limiting the moon window. A TV camera is used for visual tracking. A motorized lens allows remote adjustment of focus, focal length and aperture. Transmit switching is ready to go, but only about 5 w is presently available. Dave is looking for a suitable power amplifier.
- NC1I
- Frank has been finding it difficult to find time for ham radio, but was able to QRV for the 70 cm portion of the contest. He and Bob, WF1R operated the contest jointly. They had a good time, but were frustrated to not make a single QSO during the last 3 hours of the contest. Frank felt that NA active was sparse, although he notes that this impression may be the result of listening on the wrong polarity. They logged on 23 March JR9NWC (539/559), K9BCT (O/O), JA5OVU (569/569), KD4LT (579/579), W8MQW (539/569), JL1ZCG (559/549), JH4JLV (439/559), VK5MC (549/559), KA0RYT (549/539), OZ4MM (569/569), F2TU (549/549), ZS6AXT (549/579), G4RGK (539/559), EA3DXU (449/549), EA2LU (449/559), IK6EIW (439/559), DK3WG (549/559), S57QM (439/O), UT5EC (449/559), ON5OF (439/559), DL6NAA (549/569), I2COR (559/569), DL6WU (549/559), CT1DMK (O/O), DK8VS (439/549), SM4IVE (579/569), GM3JFG (439/569), EA3UM (549/549), I5CTE (449/439), W9QXP (339/439), K5AZU (579/579), IK0EQJ (O/549), DL9KR (589/589), VE6TA (O/O), UR5LX (449/449), SM3AKW (549/569), DJ6MB (559/559), F6CGJ (559/569) and PY5ZBU (O/549), and on 24 March K1FO (579/579), W7HAH (549/569), W7FN (559/569), 7M2PDT (O/O), JA2KRW (449/559), KB8ZW (O/O), JA8ERE (O/O), JA4BLC (O/569), LX1DB (569/559), UA6LGH (549/559), UA9FAD (549/539), 9A2AE (439/549), DF6NA (439/549), DK3FB (449/559), OH3LWP (O/O), G3SEK (539/559), DL9NDD (559/579), K0RZ (559/569), WA7TZY (439/539), DL3YEL (O/O) and partial W6JKV for a contest total of 72 x 37. 3 new countries were worked (CT1, GM3 and 9A2), as well as a number of initials. Another new country (YL3) was also heard.
- Peter is now up to initial #200 on 1296. In the Eur contest he scored 49 x 17 on 1296 and 15 x 13 on 2300. OE9YTV (his XYL) worked on 5760 on 23/24 March SM4DHN (559/549), DJ7FJ (549/549), I6PNN (M/O), WB5LUA (549/559) and VE4MA (449/559). CWNR was OE9ERC.
- Tonda's remarks for the last moon window follow: On 13 cm we worked on March 24 at 1018 JA4BLC (O/O), 1103 OH2AXH (O/O) for initial #30 and 1st OH-OK 13 cm QSO, DXCC 15 and KP field 12, 1123 OE9ERC (559/449), 1131 HB9SV (O/O) #31 and DXCC 16, 1238 partial JH3EAO (M/nil) and 1258 OE9XXI (559/549). Heard were F2TU and OZ4MM. On 3 cm we had troubles, the 4.2 KV power supply for our TWTA became wet due to heavy rain, and we could not operate. We plan to be QRV next time. OK1KIR's EME standings are now on 432 initial #310, DXCC 61, WAS 43 and field 41, on 1296 initial #129, DXCC 30, WAS 21, field 27, on 2300 initial #31, DXCC 16, WAS 8, and field 12, on 5760 initial #6, DXCC 5, WAS 1 and field 4, and on 10368 initial #10, DXCC 9, WAS 2 and field 7. OK1KIR is now on e-mail
- OZ4MM:
- Stig was QRV during the contest weekend on 70 cm for the 1st time -- 70 cm was very enjoyable. I contacted I2COR, JL1ZCG, PA3CSG, VK5MC, EA2LU, ZS6AXT, JH5LJV, JA2KRW, SM3AKW, EA3DXU, DL9KR, JR9NWC, UT5EC, JA5OVU, G4FUF, G3HUL, YO2IS, G4RGK, ON4KNG, UR5LX, ON5OF, UT5DL, S57QM, DF3RU, SM2CEW, DF9QX, DL6NAA, DK3WG, IK6EIW, NC1I, F2TU, N4GJV, I5TDJ, IW5AWM, IK5WJD, KA0RYT, KD4LT, K5JL, F6CGJ, K1FO, K0RZ, DL9NDD, K2UYH, W9QXP, I5CTE, DL8OBU, SM4IVE, VE6TA, IK0EQJ, 9M2BV, DL6WU, LX1DB, UA6LGV, K9BCT, PY5ZBU, 9A2AE, HA1YA, DJ6MB, KB8ZW, OH3LWP, DK3VS, W6JKV, DK3FB, WI7Z, W7FN, DL3YEL and DL9NDD for #66 initial. I spent also few hours on 13 cm, but tracking problems reduced my time there. My present tracking system will be changed as soon as possible to the F1EHN system. I worked OH2AXH, OE9ERC, JA4BLC, F2TU and OE9XXI. Normally when I am on 13 cm, my W2IMU horn is fitted inside my 23 cm horn. This gives 3 degs of offset, and seemed to work fine. The cables are run out of the 23 cm horn's "mouth". It now appears that this arrangement degrades my 2300 sun noise 2-3 dB. I first discovered this problem Sunday morning, when the 13 cm feed was mounted alone, after 70 cm operation. I now plan to change feed supports, this summer, so that feeds can be individu ally mounted. The 432 setup was my 10 m dish, with dual- dipole V/H pol feed, MGF1302 preamp and K2RIW amp giving 900 w out and 600 at the feed. I am not yet ready for skeds on 70 cm. I will return to 432 after modification to my home are complete. Concerning Dave, KD5RO's comments in the last NL. I agree with Dave. It is more and more difficult to get QSL back from stations. I really enjoy receiving confirmation of a contact. When QSLs are received, many stations include photos of their systems. It is always very interesting to see the details of other EME setups.
- UR5LX:
- Sergej found activity during the 1st March SW very low. He lost his NA window due to bad WX, but logged on 2 March JS3SIM (O/O) for initial #277 and 7M2PDT (O/O) #278. During the 2nd SW/contest, Sergej found propagation sometime good and activity much higher than after the ARRL EME contest. He worked on 23 March JA2KRW, SM3AKW, OZ4MM (549/569) #279, ZS6AXT, KD4LT, YO2IS, DF3RU, UT5EC, UA6LGH, DL6WU, UA4API, VE6TA (O/O) #280, K5JL, DK3WG, K0RZ, N4GJV, DL9KR, IK6EIW, I5CTE, DL8OBU, G4RGK, UT5DL, ON5OF, KA0RYT (O/M) #281, NC1I, SM4IVE and WE7P (O/O) #282, and on 24 March JA4BLC, VK5MC, EA3DXU, F2TU, EA2LU, PA3CSG, JL1ZCG, JA9BOH, JR9NWC, F6CGJ, K1FO, K2UYH, IK5WJD, 9A2AE, DK8WS for 42x24. On 24 March Sergej also had partial QSO with single yagi, 70 w station IK0BZY (- /O). Sergej's new power amplifier is working very nice in the easy regime of 4 KV x 1 A.
- VE6TA:
- Grant decided to build a feed for his 16' dish and try it on 70 cm during the 432 segment of the Eur Contest -- I hoped to be able and work a few more initials than was possible with my 4 yagi array. The single dipole feed seems to work beautifully with my .3 f/d deep dish. The polarity rotation is great, and I have had a lot of fun over the last week or so with it. I worked on 23 March UR5LX (O/O) for initial #14, SM2CEW (449/439), K1FO (O/O), DL9KR (559/549), KD4LT (O/M), NC1I (O/O), OZ4MM (O/O) #15 and N4GJV (O/O), and on 24 March K2UYH (O/O) #16, JL1ZCG (O/O) #17, SM4IVE (O/O), K5JL (559/449) #18, SM3AKW (O/O) #19 and KB8ZW (O/O) #20. All contacts were on random except KB8ZW for a 432 score of 14,400 pts. I QSO'd on 27 March JA9BOH (O/M) #21 on sked and JA5OVU (O/O) #22 on random, and on 29 March G3SEK (O/O) #23 on sked, K1FO (449/339) and NC1I (559/539) on random. The JA9BOH and G3SEK skeds were arranged via E-mail. Back on 4 March with my 4 yagi array I worked NC1I (549/439), and K1FO (O/O) all on random. On 1296, I contacted during the 23 cm segment of the contest, on 2 March OE9XXI (559/449), OZ4MM (449/429), KB2AH (559/439), VE1ALQ (449/329), F6CGJ (O/O) for initial #41, F1ANH (O/O), F5PL (O/O) #42, N2IQU (549/539), and on 3 March, DJ9YW (O/O) #43, K2UYH (O/M) and OE9ERC on SSB (55/33). I also had a couple skeds with JA4BLC, but not much luck as my azimuth calibration is not very accurate at this time in the western window and a major storm blew in on Sunday morning. On 31 March, I heard nil from HB9BBD and HB9BHU in skeds, but worked N2IQU (559/539). Conditions seemed poor and I had a very heavy snowfall at the time. I will be concentrating on 432 in the months to come. I am still looking for QSL's from the following: N4GJV, G3LTF, N2IQU, K5JL, F1FEN, W0KJY, WA4NJP and F6CGJ.
- W4HHK:
- Paul, on 23 March, had his best weekend in 25 years on 13 cm EME. He worked WB5LUA (O/O), JA4BLC (O/O), HB9SV (O/O) for initial #31!, GW3XYW (M/O), OH2AXH (O/O), OE9XXI (O/559), OE9ERC (O/549) and F1ANH (M/O). F2TU was heard but not worked. Reskeds with JH3EAO and DF3RU are requested. Reception appeared improved with BP filters supplied by WB5LUA ahead of each receive converter. Currently 13 cm sun noise runs 12 dB with a flux of 70 (WWV).
- Fred and Susan's contest report -- We tried operating the Eur contest, but a previous commitment kept us from being on the air Saturday morning. We operated Sunday AM, but found that the moon was behind a stand of Cedar trees for most of the Eur window. As a result, no Europeans were heard. I worked K1FO (539) and NC1I (539) - on replies to their non-scheduled CQ's. None of our own echoes were detectable during the time that the moon was in our view. Despite the lack of success with Europe, we still had fun. Any unscheduled contact with RSTs exchanged is a good one!
- W8MQW:
- Chuck was not very active during the REF/DUBUS 432 weekend, working only the easy ones: K1FO (559/439), NC1I (569/539), N4GJV (559/549), JA5OVU (569/539) for initial #26, DL9KR (579/559), SM4IVE (O/O), K5JL (449/449) and a partial with KB8ZW.
- YO2IS:
- Szigy notes his agreement with the comments of KD5RO about QSL's in the last NL -- I am still trying to reach the 100 QSL mark and it seems that my 129 initials are not enough for that, hi... QSLing is a part of the rules in our hobby, ask the ARRL, make a proposal to exclude QSL's to be sent for WAS, DXCC, etc. I do enjoy collecting QSL's and the beautiful color pictures with your antennas. I show them to everyone who is visiting my shack! I will avoid QSOs with the "no QSL" stations...! Skeds are always welcome, pity that my Moon window is quite small. It is best if here the el is more than 40 degs from az 135 - 150. I can operate with el down to 30 degs. Equipment here is still in good shape despite the 5 years of activity. I worked during the EUR contest on 23 March at 1100 DL9KR (569/549), 1135 SM2CEW (O/O), 1202 OZ4MM (559/429) for initial #129, 1410 K1FO (569/339), 1534 N4GJV (O/O) and 1600 UR5LX (O/O), and on 24 March at 1300 JL1ZCG (O/O) and 1436 DK3WG (O/O). CWNR were LX1DB, DJ6MB, SM4IVE, I2COR, KD4LT, OK1KIR, DF3RU and K5JL. Heard were NC1I (569), F2TU (559), F6CGJ (559), EA3DXU, SM3AKW, S57QM, 9A2AE and ON4KNG - all with (O) reports. Conditions from time to time did show excellent signals despite the apogee and daytime. I had severe QRN from man made noise especially on Saturday, also the cable TV (with the coax high over the houses) caused appreciable noise in some directions.
- K2UYH:
- I found the problem with my 7650 final, and replaced a blown FET in the preamp, to make it back on 70 cm for the contest. I was not able to get home from work early enough for the 1st few hours of the contest, and began operation the next morning. Wind was a problem on Saturday. I often could not hold my dish on the Moon and want to apologize to stations lost when my dish was blown off. Echoes were poor both days of the contest. On the 1st day I found stations peaked sharply in pol, but that I had to transmit at a pol angle about 90 degs away from the best receive angle in order to be heard. On the 2nd day pol was much more diffuse and the TX angle not as critical. In general signals did not seem as strong as they should have been, and copy was especially difficult on Sunday, with many QRZs sent. I suspect my receive system still has problems, possibly from locally generated noise. QSO'd were on 23 March at 1706 DF6RU (559/539), 1720 F6CGJ (559/549), 1819 KD4LT (569/559), 1833 NC1I (569/569), 1901 OZ4MM (569/559) for initial #568, 1909 K1FO (559/449), 1925 N4GJV (569/569), 2010 W9QXP (459/O), 2037 K0RZ (559/559) and 2058 SM4IVE (579/569), and on 24 March at 0118 JA5OVU (559/549), 0147 VE6TA (449/O) #569, 0210 KB8ZW (559/449), 0247 JL1ZCG (O/569), 0304 JA4BLC (339/449), 0310 QRZ JA - lost in ground noise, 1746 G4RGK (449/349), 1807 K5JL (569/569), 1809 UT5DL (559/559), 1821 UR5LX (559/O), 1900 partial K1VYU?, 1918 SM3AKW (459/559), 1946 EA3DXU (449/449), 2010 DJ6MB (559/559), 2032 DL8OBU (449/449) and 2107 DL9NDD (559/559). The next weekend I switch back to 1296 to contact on 30 March at 2156 G4DZU (O/O) for initial #140, 2200 nil S59DCD - email sked, 2229 EA6/DF5JJ (569/339) and (45/44) on SSB, 2243 KB2AH (57/54) on SSB, 2305 IK3COJ (549/339), 2315 LA8LF (559/569) and (55/54) on SSB, 2331 G4DZU (449/449) and 2343 W2UHI (55/52) on SSB. I was also briefly on 23 cm, on 24 March but heard only G4DZU. I do not expect to be very active during the April SW, because it occurs the same weekend as the Trenton Computer Festival, which I have directed for almost 21 years.
W0KRX is QRT (and thus unavailable for skeds) until sometime in the mid summer.
SM0PYP is moving to San Diego in the USA on 9 April. He is taking along almost all his EME equipment, but is not sure how long it will be before he is QRV again, as he must find a suitable location for his antennas. Paul will probably become operational 1st on 10 GHz.
I6PNN had a problem with his 13 cm transmitter and operated exclusively on 5760 during the 23/24 March contest weekend. He QSO'd OE9YTV, partial DJ7FJ (O/-) and nil OE9ERC.
W7CI could not be on 1st day of the 432 part of the contest because of high winds.
K5JL worked 30 stations the 1st day of the contest.
WB5LUA was on 10 GHz, 5760 and 2304/2424 during the 2nd part of the contest. Al completed an initial with DJ7FJ on 6 cm, and worked JA4BLC and JH3EAO on 13 cm. WB6IMC is QRV on 70 cm and worked at least 4 stations during the contest.
VE4MA was active on 13 cm during the 2nd segment of the contest. VE1ALQ was QRV on 1296 during the 2nd March SW.
W2CRS was active on 432 during the Eur contest. LX1DB was QRV on 70 (on 432.028) and 13 cm during the 2nd part of the contest.
KB2AH's 2nd contest weekend activity (on 23 cm) was limited by high winds.
HB9BBD was active on 1296 during the 2nd contest weekend.
W7FN was QRV on 432 for the 2nd contest weekend.
K4QIF, who recently moved to NC, has poured the footings for his towers and should be back on the Moon soon. Rusty has also located a source for .625 aluminum mesh. The surface of his 24' dish will add only 10 lbs to the overall weight. [How about more details?]
NX2Q (Al Tencza, 369 Lakeview Ave, Cifton, NJ 07011; tel 201-772-1270) has for sale pieces of 2 28' foot Kenndy dishes which were scraped. He has the feed rings and fiberglass mounting support arms. He also has a 900 MHz feedhorn and a ICOM 736 ($1550) with filters and like new in the original box available.
K6HXW is looking for pulse counter circuitry for prop pitch motor azimuth readout. He needs to handle 10K rpm and have digital readout. Contact Mike Goshay, K6HXW, 636 Printz Rd. Arroyo Grande, Ca 93420; tel 805-489-8300.
N4MW is looking for a higher power amplifier (> 10 w) SSPA or TWTA for 10 GHz.
K1FO's Lunar- Link Systems Model LA-135, 222 to 225 MHz amplifier is now in production. Like the 70 cm LA-70B and the 2 m LA-200, the LA-135 uses a pair of 3CX800A7 tubes. The LA-135 works great. It runs over 61% efficiency and meets the FCC regulations for -60 dB spurious emissions. He has tested the LA-135 key down continuous for over 3 hours at 1500 w output without any problems.
For more information call Steve, K1FO at 203-421-3377.
KB2AH is producing VE4MA like 1296 feeds with built-in IMU type circular polarizer. He also has a complete line of 1296 HPAs (6, 4, 2 or 1 x 7289 amps) available.
K2UYH is looking for good 7650s and 7289s. He is also still interested in a 12' or larger dish good for use on 10 GHz EME.
This NL will probably be a few days late. This is because the skeds may be delayed this month. Klaus, DL4EBY, reports that production of the new directory is complete and distribution has started. In NA mailing is being handled by N7ART. There is no separate TECHNICAL piece this month. Material has been promised, but nothing appropriate arrived. Please keep the technical material coming. Don't forget to get your reservation in for the 96 EME Contference. The time has arrived! Please keep the info coming. More technical material is needed.
73 - Al, K2UYH.
(432 MHz listed here)
Skeds for APR 20 Time 432.040 432.045 432.070 0000z JA2KRW-VE1ALQ 0130z JA2KRW-VK5MC 0830z DL9KR -DL4KG 1400z HP3XUG-IW5AVM 1430z HP3XUG-OK1KIR 1530z W7GBI -IW5AVM KD4LT -YO2IS 1630z W8MQW -DK3WG 1700z DJ6MB -IW5AVM 1730z WB6IMC-DL9KR KB2AH -IW5AVM 1800z WE7P -DL9KR (1296 - 10368 MHz listed here) Skeds for APR 20 Time 2304.050 10368.050 1600z WB5LUA-OE9ERC 1630z WB5LUA-F6CGJ 1730z VE4MA -DF3RU 1800z W4HHK -DF3RU Skeds for APR 21 Time 1296.050 1296.075 0100z JH5LUZ-WB5LUA 1230z G4DZU -OK1KIR 1300z S59DCD-OK1KIR 1530z VE1ALQ-S59DCD 1600z VE1ALQ-G4DZU WB5LUA-SM5DGX 1630z VE4MA -G4DZU VE1ALQ-OE5JFL 1700z KD5RO -G4DZU VE6TA -OK1CA 1730z KD5RO -G4CCH WB5LUA-G4DZU 1800z N7ART -OK1KIR VE4MA -S59DCD 1830z VE4MA -F5PAU 1900z K5JL -K9BCT VE4MA -DD1XF 2030z K9BCT -VE1ALQ 2100z KB3PD -VE1ALQ