Rein Smit PA0ZN / W6SZ (sk)
Rein maintained the Nitehawk site for a number of years and hosted the 432 and Above EME newletter as well as numerous other pages.
In addition to the migration of the 432 and Above newsletters to we have also migrated other content that was on the nitehawk server. A copy of the server was made circa January 2025 - if there is anything that someone would like please reach out to Bob W1QA for further assistance.
Bliss Radio QRP Kits
- Bliss Radio QRP Kits provides a SSB/CW transceiver for receiving and transmitting on alloted amateur radio bands choosen.
- The Kits come complete with all components.
- The Kits require the winding of all IF Transformers and Toroids with the cores and wire provided in the kit.
- The provided Components consist of both discrete electrical parts and SMP (surface mounted parts).
- The PCBoard is two sided and clearly etched with labels of components for the exact placement on the board.
- A Yahoo Group has been established for Kit builders to share construction details and hints for soldering
of SMP devices and the winding of Toroids and Transformers.
F5SE EME Web page
The Earth Moon Earth radio link budget software is now available here...
The purpose of this software is to evaluate "at glance" the performances of the (future) equipment (to be) used by the (future) dedicated ham in order to establish communication by reflection off the surface of the Moon.
K6JEY Files and Documents
Collection of files and documents from Doug K6JEY's page on the Nitehawk site, migrated on 2023-01-23